«TURON MEGA STROY» LLC one of the largest construction companies in the construction of hydraulic works and water conservancy facilities in Uzbekistan, road construction, industrial and civil engineering and rendering transport services, which successfully cooperates with public and private customers.
Managing bodies of the Company decided to develop and implement Integrated Management System on international standards ISO 9001: 2008, OHSAS 18001: 2007 and ISO 14001: 2004.
This decision was adopted on the basis of recognition of the importance of safety of global environment and occupational health as well as safety in their activities to ensure customer satisfaction, to increase the Company's competitiveness in domestic and international markets; with the view of increasing the confidence of potential customers in a highly competitive modern market.
To achieve these objectives, the Company's managing bodies identified the following priorities:
In the field of quality assurance:
1) Expansion of technical base for production activities and its monitoring;
2) Coverage of new industries.
In the area of health and safety:
1) Enhancing fire safety measures;
2) Reducing the impact of harmful working conditions on staff at the construction sites
3) Improving safe working conditions.
In the field of environmental management:
Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
2) Sustainable use of natural resources.
To achieve these objectives, Policy implies fulfillment of the following liabilities by the Company's managing bodies:
* continually improve IMS;
* studying and implementing best practices into the Company's activities to prevent injury, health deterioration and environmental contamination;
* providing all the necessary resources to perform assigned tasks;
* constantly encouraging the staff for its contribution to the achievement of goals and objectives;
* periodically providing information and maintaining open dialogue with all interested parties on the Company's activities in the field of IMS
* communicating, explaining and implementing IMS policy at all levels of the Company
*annually analyzing the functioning of an integrated management system for its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness with the aim of continual improvement of the system
* constantly improving performance of HSE
* complying with the acting legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other requirements that are used in the Company.